
Showing posts from 2019

When giving comes directly from the heart, it can never disappoint or embarrass.

Writer: Nur Amina binti Kamsul (KIL170060) -- According to Merriam Webster, a volunteer is "a person who expresses a willingness to undertake a service". Being a volunteer means that you are offering something – something that is not required nor an obligation.You do not volunteer for the pursuit of a monetary prize or recognition. You volunteer because the optimist inside you, perhaps the idealist, spies a glimmer of hope. You understand that you are helping. As a student at the University of Malaya, my friend and I were allowed to conduct a community program for Social Engagement Course. We decided to do this community program at Rumah Hope, No. 45, Jalan 20/2, Paramount Garden, 46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Rumah Hope is a home for abused and neglected children. We were going there one day a week which is on Wednesday from 12 pm to 7 pm. Before going deeper, let me introduce my group member; Yu Zheng (white shirt, spectacle girl), Syafiza (grey scarf), Me (Peac...

A random act of kindness may spare you all sorts of trouble down the road

Writer: Muhammad Amirul Bin Khaerabadi (KIL170096) Figure 1 : Group 4 members Preparation phase We spent a week or two trying to find the best place we can visit and offer help and services to our best abilities and we found one! It was Rumah Hope in Petaling Jaya. A sanctuary for abused, neglected and under-privileged children. Personally, I did some volunteering work before like providing tuition for school children but this time it was a different ball game altogether. To be brutally honest, I was scared and excited at the same time. Fortunately, our supervisor(shout-out to Dr. Mahar Diana) helped me and the team to concentrate more on what the children need rather than what we can  offer. We visited Rumah Hope 4 times and we gained invaluable experience that will change our life forever. Ongoing phase The first day of our visit  was a bit challenging due to language barrier as some children do not speak English or Malay. But to our surprise, the child...


Writer: Choon Xin Yi (KIL170508) Figure 1: Group 4 members – Amirul, Yu Zheng, Winnie, Q, Mina, Syafi, me, and Firdaus. (from left to right)             A community is a small or large social unit of people that has something in common, such as norms, religion, or identity and they often live together in the same geographical area. Being part of the society, I have always wanted to take part in volunteering programme as I believe that a small effort from everyone will make a huge difference, contributing for a better community. In accordance to this, I would like to share my first experience visiting an orphanage and some precious moments throughout this community service. PREPARATION PHASE                      There is a total of eight students in my group and we were briefed with the details and requirements of the social e...

A hand may not be so burdensome -Reflection Post-

Writer: Ahmad Firdaus Bin Mohd Najman (KIL170002) Preparation phase  The first 2 weeks of our lecture on the social engagement course , we have been asked for a community project under CITRA and we have to create a group of 8 that consist of different gender and racial .We have given a few week to decide the location and prepare our proposal that  need us to present with our supervisor. The place that we have agreed for our project is Rumah Hope at Petaling Jaya at every Wednesday from 11a.m to 7.a.m for 4 times .Rumah Hope is a sanctuary placed for abused ,neglected and underprivileged children .We have a quick visit to the place to meet the administration while we make a survey there as we have to organize activities based on the demographic at the place . Tentative for the project has been made and several activities will be organize and we have bought some sweets and things required for our activities.This will be my first time joining a project that involve th...

Unleashed the Diamond

KIL 170037_Lim Yu Zheng Preparation Before we decided that Rumah Hope to be the place where we will carry out our voluntary community service, we faced many challenges in finding organizations that is suitable with our objectives by considering the factors of transportation, target group and planned activities. It was my first voluntary experience and I am excited and prepared as I always enjoy reaching out with strangers. Before visiting Rumah Hope, my teammates and I had a discussion on the tentative, budget and distributed the jobscopes among us and proposed our plans to Dr. Mahar. Dr Mahar was supportive and gave us many advice for example regarding safety and ways to communicate with the children. As considering our target group was children from different family background, age ranged between 7-12, we have included variety of activities to build their confidence level, fun and educational at the same time. First Visit (3/4/2019) During our first official vi...


Writer: Winnie Anak Mathias (KIL170093) It was a great experience for me to visit an orphanage for the first time. We, group 4 comprised of 8 students choose to complete the allocated hours for social engagement by visiting Rumah Hope, an orphanage located in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. We visited the orphanage on every Wednesday for 4 weeks from 11.00pm to 7.00pm.  Figure 1: Group 4 members Planning phase As for the planning phase, we discussed and came out with the decision on visiting the orphanage since we do not have any opportunities to engage with the children. We started by contacting few orphanages but unfortunately most of the organizations turned down our offer and throughout our searching there are several difficulty that we faced where we need to consider the factor of transportation and activities that is suitable with our objectives. However, we do not give up in keep on searching and we are grateful that Rumah Hope is welcoming us to have a volunteering wo...

Community Service was not a painful experience

WRITER : AMIRAH QURRATUAIN BINTI HAIRUL AMRI (KIL170007) Community service is an important activity where every person should embrace as they growing up. Today, I would like to share the story of my community service with my beloved friends 😍. Preparation phase  After receiving the community service task from the CITRA, me and my group mates starting to make some research on few organizations. Then, we found Rumah Hope as it is nearby University of Malaya. Rumah Hope is a sanctuary placed for abused, neglected and underprivileged children. It is located at Petaling Jaya and it took only 10-15 minutes by driving  🚗 .  On 25/03/2019, we had a casual visit to Rumah Hope to estimate the number of children and to decide what activity can be carry out there.  After some discussion among us, we decided to visit the place for four times as for each single slot we will spend around eight hours there (11am-7pm). In addition, we came out with the activities that we wi...